Talib Kweli Attends Occupy Wallstreet "We Have to Grow"

Posted on the 11 October 2011 by Next Level Relations @NextLevel_FL

Talib Kweli arrived at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration at New York's Liberty Plaza last night and immediately took to Twitter: "Now this is the New York City I love," he wrote. And indeed, this was a New York City that loved him as well. Kweli spent the evening exploring the premises and learning about the cause, and before he left for the night, he delivered an inspired a cappella performance that emphasized love and community.

"I couldn't come back to my home town and not check this out," Kweli told Rolling Stone before his performance, standing before a scattered collection of protest signs lying on the ground. "I didn't realize that this was something that was meant to last, with no end. It's self-sufficient and is connecting people to people. It's beautiful."

Sourced:  http://www.rollingstone.com/