Taking the Sex Stuff out of the Alt Left Manifesto

Posted on the 13 December 2016 by Calvinthedog

The edited manifesto is here.

  • Promotion of mass sexual perversion to the masses: group sex, threeways, bisexuality, opportunistic or experimental homosexual sex, orgies, sex in public. *see Note 5*
  • Note 5. All of these are perfectly acceptable private lifestyles and sexual choices, but they should be private, not openly promoted, sexual styles. Straight men should not be hectored to engage in experimental homosexual sex, bisexuality should not be promoted as a fad, and the masses should not be openly encouraged to have orgies, engage in group sex, threesomes or public sex. Would you want people encouraging your mother, sister, brother, daughter or son to do such things?

OK, so what’s the problem then? Well, everybody is freaking out about it, calling me homophobe, Puritan, sex-hater, etc. If you know me and know how I have lived my life, you would laugh pretty hard at that idea. It’s also suggested that I dislike kinky or perverted sex. Once again, if you know me, you might laugh at that  idea too. But nevertheless a lot of people do not like this stuff.

My Mom doesn’t. I don’t think my Dad did. Are my mother and father hung up old no-fun Victorian fogies because they don’t want to do threeways, go to orgies, experiment with gay sex, or do it in the middle the street? Is my Mom a hang-up old prude because she isn’t down with getting gangbanged (and I’m quite sure she’s not down with that)? This is where this is all heading. The Cultural Left has so taken over the mainstream culture that you now see articles in the mainstream press cheering on and celebrating homosexuality, bisexuality, orgies and threeways.

I now read in the mainstream  press about how I need to have my girlfriend peg me in the ass with a dildo (look it up if you are not familiar). If I don’t let her peg me, I’m hung up. I have hangups. I guess I need to go to a sex therapist to straighten all this out so I can take it like a man from my strapped-on girlfriend.

I also read articles about how I need to go out and see what a penis tastes like, otherwise I guess I’m just no hip or something. The articles have heads like, Men: Have You Gotten in Touch with Your Bisexual Side? If you read the article, that’s if you can even stand to, it’s all about a bunch of men who are not biological homosexuals at all going out and experimenting with screwing guys just because it’s hip and groovy nowadays to do that. If they were biological homosexuals, surely we could forgive, tolerate, accept or even cheer them on. Because if they can’t help it, they need to have as happy and healthy of lives as we do.

I read articles about how I need to get cucked. That means I go and get great big studly Black guys (bulls) to have sex with my girlfriend while I sit back and watch and enjoy the humiliation of this spectacle. My girlfriend and the bull also join in and insult me, mock, and laugh at me for being so pathetic. I enjoy being made fun of and ridiculed like this, I guess because I am a great big pussy idiot.

Some men even have their women lock their penises in little penis cages so they cannot have sex with the woman. Often they are not allowed to masturbate or at least not much. These guys apparently get off having sexual pleasure sadistically denied to them, I guess  because they are masochistic idiots. It’s not unusual for the woman and bull to want the man to service the bull bisexually at some point. Or to clean up the woman after it’s all done, which is also pretty bisexual.

Oh yes, and the man and woman are always White, and the bull is always Black. So it’s a Black guy cucking the wimpy White guy’s woman while the White man enjoys the insulting nature of this spectacle. The sexual/racial political implications of this are quite clear. If you know how the Cultural Left hates White man and how much they venerate and worship Blacks, you can see why the Cultural Left might want to promote this stuff. Is it “White genocide?” I doubt it, and I don’t even know what that is, but I imagine the Alt Right White Genocide crowd is not very happy at this latest sexual kink, to put it mildly.

I’m supposed to do this! This is presented as the latest coolest, hippest groovy thing to do, and I guess I’m just not with it if I balk at doing this.

I see an article about how a man throws a birthday orgy for his wife’s birthday. I guess he’s perfectly happy with a bunch of other men having sex with his wife. Whatever. The thing is, if I’m not down with this, I’m uncool. I’m not a hipster. I’m not a cool guy. I’m uptight. I have sexual hangups, from too much religion no doubt.

New York Magazine ran an article a while back about a week in the life of a gay man in New York. Well, it seemed to be a nonstop whirlwind of casual encounters and hookups along with an orgy or two thrown in for spice. By the end of the week, he may have had sex with 5-10 different men, I have no idea. This was written up in a, “Wow isn’t this cool and groovy!” style.

Well is it? I mean everyone knows that most gay men are anywhere from quite to sureally promiscuous, but is this something that should be celebrated in the mainstream media? If the gay media wants to celebrate it, it’s one thing. The Advocate or Frontiers or whatever the latest gay press outlet is can sing the praises of wild homosexuality all the want. But keep it behind the doors of the gay press, please, like I say keep the other stuff behind the doors of the adult press. Why should the rest of us have to read about this sort of thing?

Sure, insane promiscuity has caused all sorts of  problems for gay men, HIV just being one of them. There have also been epidemics of Hepatitis A and B, various parasites, syphilis, gonorrhea, and genital herpes and warts. And I assume there are others. All of these combined have resulted in something resembling a public health crisis among gay men, but once again, I think that’s there problem to deal with on their own. If they want to be crazy  promiscuous and catch all these diseases, that’s their business.

I don’t think their diseases make it out into the straight population that much with the exception of Black women, but that is the Black community’s problem to deal with, not mine. But once again, why should we, mainstream media readers, be subjected to celebratory articles about the wildly promiscuous lifestyles of gay men in our big cities?

I also notice that the Cultural Left sings the praises of gay men marrying straight women. I guess lesbians can marry straight men too. That’s pretty weird, but the Cultural Left says this is wonderful.

First of all, almost all of these often-young men are lying through their teeth about their homosexuality. For another thing, many if not all of these men are somewhere on the bisexual spectrum. How many are truly bisexual and how many are just gay men having sex with women, I have no idea, and this sort of thing is very hard to figure out in part because almost all such men are pathological liars.

Now this has actually turned out to be a significant social problem. There are many closeted gay and bisexual men married to women in the US. How many? No idea, but I would not be surprised if it was within the hundreds of thousands. In the vast majority of cases, this situation is a catastrophe. The men are hiding and lying about their gay sex lives from their wives, and the marriage ends up being more or less a disaster, certainly for the woman. Many or most women in this sort of marriage seem to be damaged by it. Further, the women often consider the time they were married to such men as a huge waste of the limited valuable time they are allotted in life. The women consider the years of these marriages to be wasted years.

85% of such marriages end in divorce, which is not surprising. Now you would think considering what a bad idea this is, the Cultural Left would not promote it. Nope. It’s just one more groovy bit of sexual weirdness, and if it’s sexual and weird, the Cultural Left must sing the praises of it, no matter how bizarre it is.

Why in God’s name would a lesbian marry a straight man? That’s so bizarre. Even a lot of lesbians think this is horrible, and they are dead-set against it. But the Cultural Left has promoted this idiocy in articles. I assume they even promote gay men marrying lesbians. Now why any two such humans would want to do that in the first place, I have no idea. The very idea is so weird, it is hard to even contemplate. I haven’t seen an article on this yet, but I have heard of a few cases.

Now look, back in the day, we had all sorts of kinky people advocating this sort of thing too, but I did not mind it one bit. That’s because this stuff was relegated to the adult magazines like Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc. Because that is where it belongs. It belongs in the adult media. If you want to go read the adult media and hear about all the latest kinks and even be harangued to try them, it’s perfectly fine with me. And on the web, there is the whole porn side of the web where all of these kinks are well on display. And there is adult media too. There are sex zines and media outlets that report on the adult industry.

I don’t care, as long as they make it clear that it’s a sex or adult magazine so you know what you are getting into. I just don’t want this stuff in the mainstream media. I don’t want my Mom to pick up the LA Times and read about how she needs to get gangbanged or go do a three-way tonight.  I don’t think she wants to read that either.

I would call this the Pornographication of General Culture. Once again I don’t mind, but it ought to be kept behind the walls of the adult media so people can read about this if they want to or not. I just don’t want to see it on Alternet or Slate.

Do you follow?

Now being against this sex stuff or not wanting to have it officially promoted, sanctioned, and strewn through the mainstream media  is apparently very controversial. People are up in arms about it. I’m a Victorian prude. I’m against sex. I’m uptight. I’m no fun. I’m a fuddy duddy.

I’m none of those things. Actually I am more like the opposite of those things, and this actually a bit of a problem in itself, but that’s another matter.

  • Support for anything goes pansexuality. Come now. Can’t we have some limits on degeneracy and depravity? Just some?

This is still in there, but people are already yelling that this is too puritanical. I am leaving it in for now.

What do you all think about this subject? Do agree with me on this or do you agree with my critics? Chime in please.