Taking the Day

By Hollyshaun0528 @TwinglesMom42
Acacia is sick today. She woke up with a temperature of 102. We will be heading to the pediatrician's office shortly. Their walk-in patient times are from 9am-10am daily.
While I am not happy that my baby girl is ill, I'm also not unhappy to have to take the day off to be with her. Shaun was able to drop the boys off at daycare so it will just be the two of us girls today. The house will be quiet. I will probably get some things done around the house. And a mental health day for me has been in order for quite sometime anyhow.
So I hope my little girl feels better very soon, but I am going to enjoy the peace of this day.
Maybe I'll even squeeze in a little blog reading while she naps since I know I am so behind on that. ;)