TAKING STOCK - Plans Slowly Coming Together

By Dyarnell @dyarnell
With plants overwintering in my parents' garden and both seeds and plants ordered online, it is time I take stock of exactly what I have for each of my new gardens. Only then can I think about how to arrange them, how many I actually need and how much room I will have left for direct sowing (or more plants from the Friends' annual Mother's Day spring plant sale).South Garden (hot summer colours)Leopard's Banex6Panorama Bergamot bee balmx3Lady Stratheden Grim Chiloensex4Blanket Flower x 11Asclepias x4Rudbeckia Goldstein x5Heliopsis Helianthoides 'Summer Sun' x1'Red Charm' peony x1Helenium "Sahin's Early Flowerer" x3Echinacea "Hot Lava" x2Echinacea "Secret Desire" x2Rudbeckia laciniata "Goldquelle" x 3 
Crocosmia "Lucifer" x65
Asiatic Lily "Sunset" x9
Asiatic Lily "Twosome" x9
Chinese species "Lilium henryix 6Swiss Chard (seeds)Columbine, Bordeaux Barlow - 30 seeds
California Poppy, orange  (seeds x2)
Dianthus, "Brilliant"- 250 seeds
Lupine, "My castle" - 100 seedsOriental Poppy. "Brilliant" - 200 seedsThis feels like quite enough, especially when you take into account that I can fill any 'empty spots' with seeds. There is a bit more yellow than I planned, so perhaps I will move some into the front garden with the purples.  

Moon Garden (all white)Goats Beardx5'White Swan' Rudbeckiax5Leucanthemum Broadway Lightsx2 (daisy)'Mother's Choice' peony x2

'Bowl of Cream' peony x1
Oriental Lily "Lady Alice" x6Moonflower (seeds)White Lupin (seeds) Shasta Daisy (seeds)Alyssum (seeds)Balloon Flower, "Fuji White" - 50 seedsCandytuft, "Snowflake" - 100 seeds
Goat's Beard - 600 seedsObedience Plant, "Crystal Peak" - 25 seeds
Snow-in-Summer, "Silver Carpet" - 1,000 seeds100 white daffodils
Here it also feels like quite enough, after all, this garden is rife with creeping bellflower so I should not plant too much this first year.

Front Garden (blue/purple with orange/yellow highlights)Primulax5Blue & Purple Iris

Iceland Poppy 'Wonderland Orange' x4Shepherds Scabiosa (Seeds)Blue Flax (seeds x 3)
Globe Thistle, "Blue Glow" - 20 seeds
Balloon Flower, "Fuji Blue" - 50 seeds
Balloon Flower, "Mariesii" - 100 seeds
Salvia "Blue Cloud - 25 seeds
Columbine, "Alpine" -100 seeds
Forget-me-not, "Victoria Indigo Blue" - 250 seeds
Lots of spring seeds but not lots of summer or fall color. This is where I need to focus my attention. I am thiking of adding Chicory & Viper's Bugloss seeds since I have fallen for these roadside weeds over the last few summers at the Ontario cottage.
Front Spruce (Alpine garden)Digitalis Grandiflora x2 Hens & Chicks x8Mixed sedum ground cover x5160 giant Crocus
I just need some more Foxglove seeds here.

Homeless"mystery plant" x6Big Blue Hosta x2

Sharing wtih Fertilizer Friday