Taking Money from Our Pockets When We Are Not Looking -- ALEC, Walmart, Special Interest Serving Legislation

Posted on the 01 June 2013 by Doggone

Like having to pay for the clean up of Walmarts illegally dumping toxic waste, where tax payers involuntarily subsidize the profits of the Walton family, we are having to pay to make up the difference between a fair and significantly higher wage, and for the Walmart unfair, discriminatory and illegal labor practices, with the Walton family and their executives pocketing the profits.
They also use these subsidies to fund their corrupt business practices, like bribery.
There is no point in expecting exploitative and illegal and unethical conduct will stop voluntarily; they have factored in court costs and fines into their costs of doing business.
We CAN demand fair minimum wages that permit hard worker labor to be compensated with a living wage.  Other companies do it; we shouldn’t allow Walmart NOT to do it.
Walmart is NOT a good corporate citizen; the effects of Walmarts opening have typically been disastrous for local business and communities, and bad as well for employees who earn lower wages.  If you didn’t agree to subsidize Walmart, we don’t have to continue to do so.  Tell your representatives in Congress, and in your state legislature, and locally.  Demand a higher minimum wage. Stop subsidizing bad employers like Walmart. 
It is a choice, our choice; all we have to do is to assert it.