Take These Swine Flu Precautions and Keep Your Child Healthy

By Shwetashetye

Apart from the world cup fever, another deadly fever doing the rounds now is the Swine Flu fever. Taking swine flu precautions is of utmost importance now than before. With the weather flipping between high and low, children are easy targets for this infection.

Like Influenza that affects many children, Swine flu too starts off looking like a regular fever and then morphs into a really difficult infection to control. Swine flu was first seen to be contracted by pigs and it was not until recent times that humans have been infected by it too. Surprising fact about it that I was not aware of is that it can be much easily contracted by young adults compared to younger population or the elderly.

The worst part about this virus is that it is highly contagious. A single sneeze can spread 1000s of germs to spread and rather quickly. The virus is also notorious for sticking on to surfaces such as tables and knobs until it comes in contact with humans. If you encounter regular flu symptoms such as chills, fever, coughing or sore throat, rush to your doctor without trying home remedies.

Meanwhile, here are some precautions that you can take to protect your family from this deadly virus:

Stay home if affected by flu

This is very important and mostly not followed by people. Missing a day at school or office is not as much as a worry as someone contracting the flu. Also, not to forget how the exhaustion can further lower your immunity and make recovery difficult

Use tissue or handkerchief when sneezing or coughing

These are basic etiquette, but ever so important when unwell. Since Swine flu virus is known for spreading way to fast, it is very essential that you cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing

Wash, wash and wash again

Sanitizing your hands and washing them can lower chances of contracting the virus by a large margin. If washing hands is not possible, keep a travel sanitizer with you. Teach your children to sanitize their hands before touchign their face or eating.

Maintain a good diet

If you want a healthy life, a good diet and exercise is essential. Good foods ensure that immunity building is improved. Exercising helps keep your weight in check, which in turns makes you stronger to ward off infections.

Clean your produce well

Be it meat or vegetables, take some extra time to brush your vegetables and meat well. Though research shows no cases transmitted through vegetables or fruits, the nasty virus can settle on any item touched. Hence, it is much better to be safe than sorry.

Avoid crowded places

This is a very common solution to most diseases. If you can avoid going to that fair or carnival, do it. Chances of you contracting this virus can reduce considerably.

Some of these precautions are common sense, but some things we tend to miss with every day lives. Remember that before protecting others, take care good care of yourself. As moms we tend to miss this important step.

Has your school conducted Swine flu precautions sessions yet? Do you have additional pointers to share?