Take the Military Times Poll on War Against Syria

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The Military Times newspaper group, publisher of Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times, is conducting a very brief survey about U.S. military involvement in Syria.

The email I received from Military Times says:

As the U.S. military prepares for a potential strike on Syria, we’d like to hear your own personal opinions about the decisions facing the President and the Congress. 

Participation is voluntary. All responses will be kept completely confidential. The Military Times is an independent news organization and not affiliated with the Department of Defense or other government agency.

The poll will take less than five minutes.

To share your views, please click Military Times 2013 Syria Survey or go to http://www.keysurvey.com/f/547375/d96256dfa94b2b0d/ .
