While many online have commented to her about how this is a stupid plan, why bring terrorists to the UK, they are importing trouble, etc.. I personally encourage it.
While I do not call for "transfer", if they want to leave n their own volition, and if the UK government is willing to take them in, I say go. I support this MP in her plan to bring Gazans to the UK. I have no vested interest in the United Kingdom so I do not care if they destroy the UK like they are working on destroying other European countries, after they have done their best to destroy this part of the Middle East. Please, vote in favor of this plan. Bring in as many Gazans as you possibly can. Do not limit it to immediate family, first degree relatives or anything like that - take in 3rd or 4th cousins as well, along with the brother in law of a sister in law of a cousin of an uncle of a neighbor. Take them all. Please.
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