Take Action: Organize a GMO Food Dump

Posted on the 17 May 2011 by Livinggreenor

I just watched this video from the Organic Consumer Association (OCA) that calls out natural food stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s for allowing to stock foods that contain GMOs despite being supporters for non-GMO foods.

The video walks you through how to organize a “GMO Food Dump” to raise awareness on the issue.  It’s a lot easier than you might think!

To recap:

  • Purchase contaminated foods such as corn, soy, cotton seed, canola, sugar (not cane sugar), non-organic animal products.
  • Bring the purchased foods outside the store and display them to the public as an unlabeled GMO product.  Use a sign that says “contaminated GMO foods”.  It’s recommended to have a group of at least 3-5 people, the more the better.
  • Get creative! If you have a hazmat or “bunny” suit, wear it!  You’ll draw more attention to the cause.
  • Talk with people about the issue but be respectful about their food choices and don’t harass them.
  • Lastly, return the GMO food to the store you purchased it from explaining it’s contaminated with GMOs yet you weren’t originally aware of this when you purchased it.
  • Take video’s or pictures during your demonstration and share them with the OCA.  They also have a great list of guidelines for contacting the media and how to get coverage (.pdf file).

So, who’s in?  I’d love to coordinate a food dump in Portland!  Would you be willing to do one in your town?