Take A Powder

By Unefemme @DejaPseu

I’ve never liked the feeling of a heavy foundation, and that’s especially true in the summer. While my skin isn’t quite as oily as when I was young, I still have areas that tend to go shiny, especially in the heat.

I remember reading a few years back from a variety of beauty experts that women over 50 should never use any face makeup in powder form. The thinking, I guess, was that a) it would settle into fine lines and b) a “glowing” complexion at our age was more flattering than a matte finish. While that might have been true to some degree, I think formulations have improved in recent years, and there is no one-size-fits-all beauty solution.

Above: Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder. I haven’t tried this one but it has good reviews.

I Have To Go Powder My Nose…

I want to glow, not gleam, and have gone back to using a light dusting of a finely milled finishing powder on my shiny bits (nose and chin). A quick brush or two also helps minimize the appearance of pores. If you wear foundation, a finishing powder will set it and help it last longer. And if you tend to go light on makeup in the summer, a little powder may be just the thing to cut the shine and create a smooth look.

Today’s products have a more subtle matte effect, and some even have some radiance effects. No worries about looking like a sugared pastry! I’ve tried a few recently, and to be honest don’t notice a lot of difference between most as far as effectiveness or longevity. Because I no longer use foundation (tinted moisturizer or spot application of a CC cream at most) I prefer a tinted rather than translucent product, and one that’s pressed vs. loose (I like portability).

Most recently I’ve been using Makeover Workshop Soft Focus Beauty Powder.

Do you use finishing or foundation powders? Which ones do you like best?

Finishing Powder To The Rescue…

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