Tagaytay (Part 1): Taal Volcano

By Sweetlomiranda
Last April, my family and I went to Tagaytay hoping to escape the heat in Manila but when we got there we discovered that there was no escaping the summer heat! Nevertheless, we enjoyed the whole day that we spent there.
First stop, we went to see the Taal Volcano.

On our way to the Taal Volcano we also passed by the Zipline. Because I'm scared of heights, I didn't try it. Too bad :(

See what I mean? Yay! I'm too chicken for this kind of stuff. I would be just content on being the audience :)
We went through this hanging bridge. Hahaha! Thank God, it was not really swaying that much!

When your kids get tired and grumpy after minutes of walking through the Ecotrail and Picnic Groove, you can bribe them with these colorful balloons :)

Tagaytay is a heaven for Moms, too! They will be delighted to see various flowers in the area. I'm sure your mom will hoard these and plant them as an addition in her garden.

Then of course, the trip wouldn't be complete without some horseback riding :)

When lunch time came, we went to Antonio's Grill. They serve great Filipino food! My starving tummy was so satisfied :)

That's it for now. I will be posting more about our visit to the zoo and to a church in Tagaytay. Summer's not yet over. Where are you heading to?