Taeguk’s Little Brother: The Other Favela-Anchang Village

By Monkeyboygoes @MonkeyBoyGoes

Taeguk’s little brother: The other Favela-Anchang Village


Anchang village is very much off the radar in Busan. If you thought Taeguk village was random, then check out this little town.

Words & Pictures: Ben Cowles

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

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Welcome to Anchang Village:

A penniless hillside village on the outskirts of Busan.

Take a seat

I’ll show you around.

Streets of colour:

An ancient woman teeters through one of the many alleyways


Emulating the success of Taeguk village, Anchang has turned itself into a living art gallery.

The Streets Ya’ll:

Taking in this neighbourhood, it’s blatantly obvious Busan’s green hasn’t found its way up here.


The village is very much off the beaten track. But a small number of tourists have forged their way up here

Who lives in a house like this?:

The facades of most houses are adored with some sort of art

Free to chill:

The cats don’t seem to be vilified up here as they are back in the big, dirty city.

Diamond Bridge:

Any nook or cranny can be a canvas.

Spot the dog:

It’s hard to believe this is the rich Korea.


The hum of the affluent city can still be heard, mind.

Pink Geese:

Most art is arrayed down the main street leading to/from the village

Where are the skyscrapers?:

A sweeping view of the second city can be reaped upon. Even if a little smoggy on this day.

How many Buddha’s does it take to....:

A peculiar temple to happen across.

The King:

So overcome with elation at meeting a westerner, the monk excitedly dusted off his English, boasted his celebrity connects and treated me to a few renditions of Elvis tunes. He made me laugh so much, I didn't mind his attempts to cultivate my soul to his cultish sect of Buddhism

Speed 3 Revenge of the Ajuma:

If you fancy checking this place out, take the No.1 mini bus from Bomil station, exit 5


All photos by the Monkey Boy

Monkey Boy Goes:

For more stories of a simian nature, keep yourself posted to the monkeyboygoes.com

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