Table Runner Craft with Autumn Flowers and Leaves

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

Table runner craft with autumn flowers and leaves

The autumn season is rich in colour and there are plenty of crafts that are just waiting to be discovered. If you want to warm your home during these months, you can display a table runner with autumn flowers and leaves. The best part of all is that you can make this craft yourself!

You will need:

  • Clear cellophane the size of your table (you might need to cut and stick pieces together)
  • Autumn flowers and dried leaves
  • A pair of scissors for trimming
  • Spray adhesive
  • Newspaper to protect your work surface.

Steps to make a table runner with autumn flowers and leaves:

  • Start by selecting your autumn flowers and leaves. The best autumn blooms are those that are orange or dark yellow in colour. Chrysanthemums are most popular of all around this time of year and they are easy to work with.
  • If you have leaves around your front or back garden, you can simply collect them and, if need be, iron them flat.
  • Now cut the cellophane to the appropriate size and stick sheets together if needed.
  • Cut the branches off the dried leaves because they are very hard, rigid and thick so they will cause the table runner to be lumpy rather than smooth.
  • Cover your work surface with newspaper before placing the cellophane down.
  • Spray approximately half of the cellophane with the spray adhesive and apply your leaves to this sticky cellophane. Make sure that you alternate with the leaf colours, shapes and sizes. Allow the leaves to overlap for a fuller effect.
  • Once you have reached the halfway mark, you can then spray the second half of the cellophane and apply the rest of the leaves until you have completed your design.
  • Finish your table décor by using the autumn flowers to create bud flower arrangements. All you need is one flower stem per vase and you can add some seasonal vase fillers too if you like.

This handy table runner craft with autumn flowers and leaves will not cost much and it will not take long to make either. You don't have to be a craft expert and you can certainly enjoy a beautifully decorated table every night this autumn. You can even adapt this craft for each season provided you use the right materials. In some cases, artificial flowers and leaves are best because they maintain their colour rather than fade as they try out.