Table 19 (2017) Review

Posted on the 12 April 2017 by Caz @LetsGoToTheMov7

Eloise, finds herself seated with five fellow unwanted guests at the dreaded Table 19 after she is no longer maid of honor after breaking up with the brides brother who just happens to be the best man. He finished it all via text message, so let’s just say everything isn’t going to go to plan.

I will admit that I wasn’t really very positive heading into this one and thought it looked pretty bad in all honesty. But it turned out to be a slightly different to film to what I expected it. It tried a lot harder and had a lot more to it than the trailer had made out. That was a pretty interesting thing in regards to this film in all honesty, as it really did try to have different stories with a lot of heart attached to the characters. The people who were sat at the table that should have declined the invite!

Eloise is seen as our main character and we are supposed to sympathise with her and feel sorry for her. Although that does slightly change as her story is a little more in-depth than it is first made out. Then we aren’t entirely sure how to feel about her in all honesty, I was left unsure!

We then have Bina and Jerry Kepp who have been married for a very long time and are having their own problems. Former Nanny to the bride Jo who has attended for her very own reasons. Cousin Walter who has been in prison for some reason, but the mystery behind that is kept for quite a while in terms of why he was locked up. Renzo was told by his mother to go to the wedding as he might meet a girl. That is the mismatched table 19.

We don’t really get to see much of the bride which I think is quite an interesting set up for a film about a wedding, taking it from a different point of view and how guests really feel about attending the best day in someone’s life. Do they really want to be there, are they actually bothered? Would you even notice if the whole table just disappeared?

That was certainly the big question that Table 19 wants to know the answer to, they are not really sure if anyone even has noticed them at the wedding. I will admit though that for a film that was mainly marketed as a comedy it did not really have me wanting to laugh out loud. I guess the drama part was heavier than expected at times. The characters were not really that likeable which is a must to keep engagement in this type of film.

I won’t be recommending that you rush to watch this one which is a shame with the decent cast. I am actually getting very concerned about the direction of Anna Kendrick’s career in all honesty, the early promise she showed as something special has pretty much disappeared by now! I wonder if this film will actually find much praise at all.
