Ta-dah! Tuesday - Come and Link Up!

By Lakota @FHCShopping
Hello! Hope you all had a good bank holiday weekend. I've been absent from the blogging world for a week - but I have been busy, so hopefully you'll forgive me. I've just had a great weekend in the Suffolk countryside with friends, I've been trying out more jewelry ideas, organising an upcoming giveaway, and collating all the swap information. Incidentally I'm closing the swap in two days, so if you still want to get involved, sign up NOW. 
Anyway, I've been making earrings again - using feathers this time; don't try this in the lounge unless you want your carpet to look like fantastic Mr Fox has paid a visit to the chicken shed - and wondered what the rest of you have been up to. Have you made or done something new? Finally completed a project you've been working on for ages, or at last tracked down that elusive item on your thrift list? Have you bought something you love, taken an incredible photograph or just got your kitchen how you envisaged it when you moved in 12 years ago ? Maybe you have just hauled 13 bags of clothes to the charity shop and are sitting stunned in front of a newly spacious wardrobe? Whatever your 'ta-dah!' moment is - short post or detailed how-to -  I'd like to see! 

Anyway, here's my latest earring attempts - as promised!
Boho feather earring - love these graphic spots[its partner somehow ended up in my coffee and is less photogenic, I may have to make another]
'I laugh in the face of superstition' peacock earringsI had a pair of these years ago with added beads on each frondy bit.[I'm not sure the world's brightest feathers require extra bling]
Link up - what have I missed?
Lakota x
PS. Like sweeties? This post was mostly written while eating rhubarb and custards. Yum.