Syrian and Iraqi Christians Are Taking up the Gun to Defend Their Religion

Posted on the 13 February 2016 by Calvinthedog is the website of the Assyrian Christians on the web, and it is ground zero for anti-ISIS reporting right now. If you are inspired by seeing Christians defend their religion and their lives by picking up a gun, then this is the website for you. It is interesting that many Middle Eastern Christians have taken up arms either against ISIS or in support of Assad’s regime in general. There are several Christian militias fighting on Assad’s side. Many of them are defending Christian towns.

The days when the Syrian Christians would not stand up and fight are no longer. This is very inspiring if you get a swell in your heart as I do when I see Christians take up the gun to defend their religion. Personally I tire of the wimpiness of many Christians. It seems like many Christians would rather run from a war than stand up and fight for their lives and religion.

Jesus’ pacifism only goes so far.

Christianity is not a suicide pact. If there are people out to annihilate your religion and its practitioners, it’s time for the way of the gun. You either sit back and wait for the enemy to come kill you, or you pick up a gun and at least stand a chance of fighting them off.

Look at this way: this situation over there is kill or be killed. If you are a Christian, there are people trying to kill you for your religion. Now when someone is trying to kill me, the way I see it is that somebody is going to die here. Either this guy who is trying to kill me is going to die, or I am going to die. I say that he dies, not me. You know what I mean. It’s not much of a choice, is it?

This is how I see it.