Syphilis Increases by a Stunning 232% Among Homosexual Men

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

The alarming headline on yesterday’s Drudge Report says:

Syphilis soars . . .

When you click on the embedded link, it brings you to a Guardian story titled, “Syphilis is on the rise when it should be confined to history“.

But both headlines are deceptive.

A more accurate headline should be:

Syphilis soars among homosexuals

Scene from a gay “pride” parade

Verity Sullivan reports for The Guardian, Aug. 24, 2016, that infection rates of syphilis, the disease caused by the bacterium Treponema Pallidum and passed on through unprotected oral, vaginal and anal sex, are sharply rising in the UK.

According to the 2016 Public Health England (PHE) syphilis report, while rates of syphilis in heterosexuals remain stable, men who have sex with men (MSM) accounted for 90% of all syphilis cases in 2015, with a 232% increase in diagnosis over the last five years. More than half of the homosexual men diagnoszd with syphilis in 2015 were also infected with HIV, as well as a separate STD (sexually-transmitted disease), e.g., gonorrhea.

All this is happening despite safe sex campaigns, targeted prevention efforts, and free and accessible sexual health care.

Experts try to explain the sharp rise in syphilis among homosexual men with the following:

  • Higher numbers of partners, i.e., rampant promiscuity, is “a key reason”.
  • Use of apps such as Grindr, venue based and group sex.
  • The reported increased use of Chemsex (recreational drugs used during sex), which lowers sexual inhibitions and makes the likelihood of using a condom less likely.
  • “Sero-sorting” – when men choose partners who have the same HIV status, in theory negating the need to use a condom. However, this puts both partners at high risk of contracting a plethora of STIs.

London is the epicenter of syphilis:

  • In 2015, London accounted for 56% of all cases in England.
  • Since 2010 the number of cases of syphilis in Londoners has increased by 163%, with a 22% increase in the year from 2014 to 2015.
  • The borough of Lambeth has the highest rates, closely followed by the City of London and Southwark.

Asking what is to be done, The Guardian reporter Verity Sullivan gave a typical liberal PC knee-jerk response, advocating more and better sex ed in schools, proposing “further study” of “the complex background to increasing rates” of STDs “in high risk groups” (although she had just explained the reasons why), and blaming the “massive budget cuts” faced by “sexual health and homosexual support services”. Her conclusion, once again, is more government:

“Responsibility is now on the government to ensure the needs of some of its most vulnerable populations are being met.”

No, Ms. Sullivan. The explanation for the sharp 232% rise in syphilis among homosexual men is this:

Homosexuality is a psychological and spiritual disorder. Sodomists are severely disordered men because the anus is not designed for sexual penetration.

See also:

  • Medical consequences of homosexual sexual behaviors
  • Homosexual men risk HIV in ‘sex roulette’ parties
  • CDC: Half of homosexual black men will get HIV
  • Sharp rise in STDs among homosexuals, from casual sex arranged via social media
  • Syphilis outbreak among West coast homosexuals leads to blindness
  • World Health Organization: HIV ‘exploding’ among homosexual men
  • Studies of identical twins show homosexuality is acquired, not genetic
  • New study finds children of homosexual parents have more than twice the emotional problems as children of opposite-sex parents
