Synergy Chronicles: My First Spin Class

By Urbanbushwoman @urbanbushwoman9

Well I decided to try a class yesterday. I haven’t been on the gym scene in more than a decade so classes have most definitely changed. I’m not afraid of a challenge because that’s usually where the results come from; doing something new with your muscles. Off to Synergy I go!!

So I decided to try my first Spin class. And when I say ‘first’ I mean first EVER. Sweet baby Jesus!!!! Lemme tell you something. I am now writing this post while sitting on a heating pad. I wish I had that donut pillow they gave me when I gave birth to my kids. That would help. My booty is screaming in pain. The longer I spun the hotter my butt and vagina got. Trisha, the lovely and non-annoying instructor, forewarned me about this ride I was about to take. And she was oh so right. I left there with my butt inflamed I tell you.

The class was good in spite of my back draft. I always imagined that Spin class would be a bunch of rail-thin, type A folks getting their Tour-de-France on pushing their feet at insane speeds trying to prove that their not tired.  Well I knew I was not going to be one of those people. But it was totally not that way. Trisha was kind. She didn’t push us to go too far but did encourage us to try our best. I couldn’t really get with the numbers for tension on the bike but I think I did alright for a virgin. I definitely felt resistance as we moved through the 40 minutes. I endured quietly because I was determined not to be “that girl”. You know “that girl”. The one that whines and sighs and takes many breaks and downs her water within the first 8 minutes. NOPE! I hung out taking only a few breaks and my water bottle was only two thirds gone by the time I was done.

I gotta go now. I’m going to take my busted cherry and LAY down. There will be no taking any seats over here today.
