SXSW 2014: Dame

Posted on the 04 March 2014 by Outroversion @outroversion


Every year during my trawl through the submitted tracks for SXSW I’ll hear a particular voice and think “Damn, this is great who is this?” and it always seems to end up being Michelle Armstrong in one guise or another. These days she’s known as Dame, the unification of herself and label mates The Steps.

California is the new track featured on the showcase this year, it’s slightly poppier than her usual fayre but as so many bands in the past have proven it’s near impossible to write a song about CA without it having a certain sun-drenched feel as well as a killer chorus.

I couldn’t really find a way of shoe-horning this into the post but Carina Mackenzie gets Michelle Armstrong’s music.

Download The Preventions of Heartbreak EP on iTunes.

Sugar Muffin 

Holy Moly