SXSW 2013 Recap: A Little Insanity, a Lot of Fun.

By Kels_chaz22 @kels_chaz22
WOW. So South By was INSANE. I used to be an ACL girl through and through, but I have to say, this week may have changed things. Maybe. Fair warning before we get started here: this is bound to be one of my LONGEST blog posts yet. I'll try to keep it interesting. Promise. 
So where to begin? For those of you who know me, you probably know all too well of my phobia- that being of bows. Oh my lord, I simply cannot DEAL with them! They literally make me gag. Always have, always will. I used to cut them off of my clothes when I was younger, much to my mother's chagrin. I'm also not much of a girly girl. It's not that I don't like pink... OK, well, I just don't really like pink. So anyway, I ordered my birthday cake from my FAVORITE bakery in Austin, Walton's (it's Sandra Bullock's bakery off west 6th). All I said was that I wanted a red velvet cake with an owl on it, because I was a Chi-O and love owls.. blah blah blah. Long story short, they gave me THIS. I mean, what am I, FOUR? Not only was it pink, but it has BOWS ALL OVER IT. Good lord, I almost died. I couldn't eat it. Seriously. OK, that's a complete lie, but they truly couldn't have missed the mark more. I guess it's the thought that counts?? Still love you Walton's, but let's take it down a notch next time.
After that DEVASTATING mishap, I somehow managed to pick myself back up and carry on with my week, and let me tell you, it was a WILD one. I had a badge for the first time ever this year and I don't think I'll ever go without one again. It was so nice being able to skip the lines and get into almost everything that I wanted. Key word almost.
Just a tip for you SXSW newbies out there: Create a separate email account for South By to RSVP for parties, etc. That way your actual email won't be bombed with random spam and music flyers after the week.  One of the first Interactive sessions that I went to was one with the founder of Reddit, Alex Ohanian. He spoke on entrepreneurship beyond Silicon Valley and the importance of unrestricted creativity in our society. Afterwards we found out that he is a Skins fan and I work for the Cowboys, so we weren't sure if we could be friends. But after a few tweets back and forth we decided that we're good. :)After that, my Jayhawks lost to Baylor, but let's just go ahead and skip over that part COMPLETELY. I know it's cliché, but walking around on 6th is always bound to produce a good time. Well, interesting at least. I ran across Amy Phillips, my favorite Rachel Zoe impersonator, filming a skit on East. She's kind of hilarious.. y'all should check her out.  While on 6th, we were interviewed by KassemG, the YouTube sensation. He didn't end up using our clip in his final video which I'm actually OK with, because I'm pretty sure I just sat there the entire time and threw a random "Rockchalk" in there at the end. Cool, Kels. REALLY COOL. At SXSWi, we got to meet LaMorne Morris and Jake Johnson from New Girl. I'm kind of obsessed with that show, so I had to try really hard to play it cool when we took this picture, which obviously ended up in me not even looking in the camera. FAIL. Of course, Jake aka Nick Miller, HAD to do the "Panic Moonwalk" while he was there. :)  
With Daniel Sunjata from Graceland at the USA TV partyAnd then this happened. One of the highlights of my life so far. Maybe. He actually tried to card us too. Good stuff. ---Now I don't know about you, but I am a music freak. I pretty much owe my entire week's success to AltNation on XM and Jake Fogelnest. WOW. That was quite possibly the cheesiest thing I've ever written in my life. That's besides the point. Anyway, I saw some really awesome shows and I'm tired of writing about them so I'm just going to leave you with some pictures and videos of my favorites and a few random things here and there. (OK, a lot of random things). Sirah at The Belmont  Sirah getting up close and personal Blondfire at The Belmont Icona Pop at The Belmont Charlie XCX and Icona Pop at The Belmont Rockie Fresh at The Belmont Macklemore at The BelmontCheck out this next video at around :25 for a good laugh.      
 The Neighbourhood at Clive Bar The Neighborhood: So hot, they burnt the speakers! Blondfire at Clive Bar  
 Dan Croll Band at Red 7  
  Local Natives at Lustre Pearl  
Wolfgang Gartner at La Zona Rosa
        Callie and I's sorry attempt at showing how RAD this show was. TAKE 12.     
And what festival would be complete without an UNREASONABLE amount of photo booth pictures/selfies/photo shoots?! WAY too into this viking helmet Rave sticks are always a plus
 Christmas card status right here

 So if you're still reading this, I'm shocked. But if you haven't gathered by now, we kind of had the best week ever.
A little advice for all of you going to South By next year? Don't over think it and don't come in with crazy expectations. Austin is a spontaneous town and just because you didn't get into that super exclusive Green Day show, doesn't mean you won't have the time of your life elsewhere.
Photo cred: Kirsten Swanson Photography, Callie Musick, Kelsey Charles