Switching Gears.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups

We played and learned with the Roll ‘N Gears Car as a sponsored post with Socialstars and Playskool. #PLAYSKOOLCREW

The mind of a child never seizes to amaze me. Even the way they think is just so different than the mind of an adult. They’re imaginative, creative, and find pleasure in simple things. When I first introduced this Roll ‘N Gears Car to my kids, I saw what was right in front of me; a car that opened and had gears that actually worked. However when my son saw it for the first time, he immediately started driving it across the table. He saw it as a car to drive, not a stationary toy. It blew my mind! That there was that significant of a difference in what I saw and what he saw.

Before we headed to Ohio, I knew I wanted to bring some sort of toy on the plane with us. Something that was small enough to stow and go. It’s sometimes hard to find toys that occupy them both because of the two year age difference, but this one was a hit! In fact, they were actually fighting over it!

I love that there’s always something educational behind Playskool toys. This toy allows them to problem solve by arranging the gears to create a hand powered gear sequence. My son loved to drive it around while my daughter loved to rearrange the gears and was so excited when she was able to do it all by herself. It’s sad to see them grow up but it’s also such a privilege. To see them each turning into their own little person, learning, and growing is truly remarkable. And as a parent, it’s my job to make sure they have the right tools to do so. Toys that are fun and educational make this mommy very happy Bonus points if it’s easy to take with us on the go!

Our kids aren’t the only ones who are learning something new everyday. I learned that I need to take a step back at look at things from a different angle. My mind is still blown that his first instinct was totally different from mine. And now I’m making more of an effort to do that in every situation. And little does he know that the simplest act of driving a car had such a huge impact on me. From now on, I’ll be switching gears and thinking outside the box

Be sure to check out my other posts about all the fun we’ve been having with Playskool this year

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What are your favorite types to bring on the go? How do you find the most convenient way to travel with toys?