
Posted on the 12 February 2011 by Elizabethwix

What a positive orgy and wallow in all that is sentimental and Hallmark card-ish!

Such gift wrapped hearts with ribbons and cellophane.

A holiday designed...

nd sickly and not at all good for you

fofor lovebirds and kindergartners

and charming little putti!

But how to devour the little angels? Should one begin at the feet? Better not to think.

The best are the chocolate labs. Haha!  a pun, sort of.

Then to trim it with ribbons and chintz-covered boxes.........

but look up above --a row of elegant shoes....

Photos taken at Bon Bon Chocolatier in Huntington New York, according to my husband, the very best chocolate in the whole world. And no, they are not paying me for saying this....

This picture is from the heart wreath in the window.

Oh, overblown holiday!.....such fun nonetheless.

Send candy soonest.


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