I need me a pair of these...
I got a perfect score. In spite of all the silliness surrounding me this week ~ including bad moods and bitch sessions ~ I keep mulling that over in my head.I got a perfect score.
Been a member for 2 years but have never actually saddled up and tried my luck...
Until Valentine's week...!
When I competed at the Sweethearts of San Acacia ACTHA competition in sunny, New Mexico. What a blast! (And, just in case you're wondering, you get bonus points for dolling up your pony. :)
I waited a whole week to check my scores ~ first time and all, and I never think I'm very good at anything.
Nearly fell over when I saw that out of a possible 20 points... We got 21 on the Standing Jump (which I've never done before.) 10 for me, 10 for the horse. And, an extra tie-breaking point for perfection. Wow!
And, then I tanked on the Dip A Coaster ~ A steep up and down where my horse did just dandy. She got a 9. And, I got a 3. Oops. Here it is, just in case you're curious.