Sweet Wedding Proposal Using Google Nexus 7

Posted on the 27 July 2012 by Hpmurah2u @hpmurah2u

Once the name of the tablet soaring Google Nexus 7 is quite encouraging for the Asus and Google.Currently there are news about the 7-inch tablet, this time acting as a device to apply! It is known that Google employees, Raj , has put all the books, videos, photos, and favorite songs into the Nexus 7 which is given to Aditi, a woman who wants to proposed. After giving these tablets, Raj invites Aditi to see a YouTube video via the Nexus 7 wherein the video display is a wedding proposalThe video was created by merging multiple photos accompanied by a song called Without You performed by The Piano Guys.
 have a look the video below: sweet wedding proposal! origin source slashgear