Sweet Sixteen

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
The girls' Sweet Sixteen party was under discussion for several years. They started with an idea to hold a dance party. They ended up with a party bus and pool party. In between there were dozens of other ideas.

On their birthday, the girls' friends showed up to find pink baseball jerseys with their names on the back and matching pink socks. With Aunt Debbie as the official chaperone, the party bus headed out to take photos. The girls went form place to place, blasting their favorite music and having fun.

Uncle Steve graciously agreed to host the pool party. Twenty high school girls descended upon his house, along with relatives and family friends. The ice cream truck provided a welcome break from the pool and pizza. 

The music blared well into the night. When the party was over, the girls declared it a success. They had memories and photos to last a lifetime.