The only way I’ve tried sweet potatoes ever is at a restaurant where they served fried sweet potato fries…and I’ve only had that once. Other than that I’ve avoided it like the plague because I thought I would hate it. But, as I’ve turned a corner in my health and exercise this year, I’m revisiting things I think I won’t like, either making it a different way, or going out of my comfort zone.
I enjoy making breakfasts with diced potatoes and veggies with a fried egg, but thought – JUST TRY THE SWEET POTATO! No joke it’s been in my fridge for several weeks, I kept looking at it and finally decided – today is the day!
This was easy to throw together before I left for work, while getting 3 kids out the door to school – so no excuses if you say you don’t have time to make a deluxe breakfast – you do!
I peeled the sweet potato and cooked it in my microwave on the baked potato setting so it was cooked through.
In a small skillet, I threw in a handful of pea pods, chopped up a few baby peppers, 2 slices of Eckrich Reduced fat salami, 1 garlic clove, and a few tablespoons of chopped onion. I did spray the pan with PAM cooking spray. I cooked all that together and once the sweet potato was done, I cut it in half and weighed out 5 oz. I diced up the sweet potato and added that to the veggies/salami. The only spices I used was paprika and salt and pepper to taste.
You just need to cook this for a few minutes. I transferred it to a container to take to work. Using the same skillet, I just cracked an egg and fried that until it was done (I break the yolk – no runny yolk for me!). Once the egg is cooked, just chop it up and add it to the hash.
This breakfast was delicious and filling!
According to calorie count – this gets an A in nutrition – and is only 307 calories, 10 grams of fat, 37 grams of carbs, 7 grams of fiber and 16 grams of protein. Nice!
Is there a fruit or veggie you’ve never had before but would like to try??
Using my Koo-Dohz weight loss bracelet as a motivator – here are some highlights of my week so far:
Walked home from work every day – almost 2 miles
worked out during lunch 1 day
worked out at the Y for an hour last night
No seconds at dinner
Avoided crappy food at my office – donuts, leftovers from luncheons, home made fudge! Koo-Dohz to that!