‘Sweet Magnolias’ Fan Theories About Who Was In the Car Accident With Kyle

Posted on the 26 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear
  • Sweet magnolia, with JoAnna Garcia, Brooke Elliot and Heather Headley, made her Netflix debut on May 19.
  • The first season ends with a major cliffhanger: Kyle, played by Logan Allen, is the victim of a terrible car accident - and he is not the only one in the car. The question: who is in the car with him?
  • Fans crave answers and, more importantly, a second season to tie up the ends.

At first, Netflix Sweet magnolia exudes a warm, fuzzy vibe similar to Hallmark movies and shows like Gilmore Girls. In other words, until you watch the last moments of the last episode.

The action-packed finale covers all the basics: the three main characters -Maddie Townsend (played by Joanna Garcia), Dana Sue (played by Brooke Elliot) and Helen (played by Heather Headley) all have important decisions to make about of their various romantic and professional relationships, past and present.

But it's not just the adults of Serenity. It turns out that it's prom night, and as if by chance, tensions are mounting between Tyler "Ty" (played by Carson Rowland) and his teammate Jackson at the after-party. Kyle (played by Logan Allen) intervenes to defend his brother, but Ty makes it clear that he doesn't want his little brother to come to his rescue. This explosion scares Kyle away and ultimately accelerates in Ty's brand new car.

A few minutes later, Maddie discovers that her son was involved in a car accident. Kyle went out on a stretcher and was flown to the hospital because he was found unconscious at the scene. Just before the end of the episode (the season finale, beware!), The police are still announcing bad news: there was a passenger in the car with Kyle, but they don't know who it is.

Fans went on Twitter to speculate who might have been in the car with Kyle.

The obvious choice seems to be Nellie (played by Simone Lockhart). Earlier in the episode, Kyle and Nellie link up to video games and decide to jump on the ball and get together on the couch.

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An eagle-eyed fan pointed out that Nellie wore sneakers, which means she was more likely to catch up to Kyle than other prom lovers in dresses, tuxedos and heels.

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Even JoAnna, who swears showrunner Sheryl Anderson keeps the entire cast in the dark, thinks Nellie is a safe bet. "I really think there's a chance it's Nellie, and Annie would be my other best guess, but I don't know. And it's funny, I begged Sheryl to tell us and she said that I didn't even tell Netflix before we get season two, "she said AfterBuzzTV.

As Joanna suggested, there is also a good chance that Annie, one of Kyle's closest friends, may have been in the passenger seat. Carson, who plays Ty in the series, agrees: "My reaction when it happened for the first time ... I think it's me. But obviously, Anneliese (who plays Annie) thinks that is her. We have no idea, and I guess we'll just have to wait and pray for season 2, "he explained to Hollywood Life.

But Ty is not completely off limits. He may have jumped into the car with his brother to calm him down after their argument ... but it was too late. Given Ty's latest news on his professional baseball career, fans hope this is not the case.

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One fan, in particular, thinks the passenger may not be another teenager at the party. In fact, they think Kyle called his father's ex-girlfriend Noreen (played by Jamie Lynn Spears) and came to her rescue. And while this is by far the craziest theory, it still seems plausible.

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Since the program is based on a series of books of the same name, some may assume that the answers are printed. Since the show deviates from the original script, your best bet is to patiently wait for season 2, if and when Netflix decides to renew the show. At this point, it's unclear if the show will return, but Anderson said The sun that she is "impatient to [see the show] keep going ", especially because she doesn't want fans to" feel cheated "about the end of the cliffhanger.

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