Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate by Wray Ardan

By Lauriej

Sweet Desire, Wicked FateSweet Desire, Wicked Fate Book 1by Wray ArdanGenre: YA Romantic Fantasy Thriller
Discovering long lost relatives can be a real nightmare. Do you know who or what you're related to?

Jaden Lisette never imagined she might not live through the month to see her sixteenth birthday, or that befriending reclusive triplets and a mentally challenged man could be her only chance of survival. Days after coming to Louisiana, Jaden falls for the irresistible Briz Nolan. Then she falls into a living nightmare when she discovers a side of her family that she never knew existed. Once she uncovers her family's deadly secret, Jaden is forced into a world she could only imagine in horror movies. There's nowhere to run. To survive, she must kill.

Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate is the first book in a YA romance, fantasy, thriller trilogy that is filled with danger, humor, and the intoxicating passion of first love.
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Crumpled on the ground, Jaden awoke to the sound of her cell phone ringing. She rolled onto her back and pulled the phone from her pocket. It slipped from her hand and was swallowed by the muck that immersed her. Her fingers probed through the slime but came up empty-handed. She stood carefully, her head whirling. The setting sun had alerted the draguitoesthat it was dinnertime, and they were determinedly finding their way to the parts of Jaden’s skin that weren’t smeared with mud. Leaning against the mass of tree roots, she waited until her slender legs could hold her up on their own. Fragmented images drifted through her mind. The storm. Breaking the ceramic jug. She looked down. It took a moment for her to register that all five containers had been broken open. Slowly raising her head, Jaden shifted her focus to the battered house. There were voices mixed in with the discordant noise of insects. Had her mom sent someone to find her? Still groggy, she wobbled over to the back porch, climbed the rickety steps, and stood outside the kitchen doorway. The diminishing sunlight filtered through a hole where the roof had been. Her vision was blurry, her thoughts hazy. Her mother was always telling her she had an overactive imagination. But what the . . . I must have a concussion.

Jaden squinted, trying to comprehend what she was seeing. Four humanoid animals huddled around the tree’s broken branches. At least she thought they were animals. Their scrawny bodies, no larger than newborn babies, looked malnourished and sickly. Horns sprouted from their heads and faces, fangs protruded from their mouths, and their tattered clothes were covered in slime.

Imagine Jade GoneSweet Desire, Wicked Fate Book 2

The bayou holds terrors that can devour her alive.

All sixteen-year-old Jaden Lisette wants to do is spend time with the sweet and sexy Briz Nolan. But falling in love may not be their fate.  When a new, deadlier species of creatures is set loose, Jaden and Briz's chance of survival quickly becomes as murky as the bayou water surrounding them. As Jaden battles her new living nightmares, an old adversary returns, intent on revenge. This time, every last ounce of her strength and courage may not be enough to save the ones she loves...or herself.

Imagine Jade Gone is the second book in the YA romance thriller series Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate. If you like original fantasy creatures, dark suspense, and simmering chemistry, then you'll love Wray Ardan's captivating tale.
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JADEN stood on the triplets’ porch, the large T-shirt that served as her nightshirt hanging loosely over her slim body as she leaned back against her boyfriend Briz’s chest. Surrounded by the early morning bayou, Jaden felt as if she’d been transported to another world. A peaceful world. A sane world.

Briz’s arms wrapped around her, comforting her. Reaching up, she placed a hand on his arm. She squeezed it gently, as if to confirm that he was real—and that she was alive. Waking this morning, after four days of drifting in and out of consciousness, she was still unsure of what was real and what was not. 

Wray Ardan lives on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with an artist, four cats, and a parrot. She is the winner of the Readers' Favorite 2015 Gold Medal for YA Horror for her novel Sweet Desire, Wicked Fate, and the 2017 Readers' Favorite Silver Medal for the second book in the series, Imagine Jade Gone. The stories were inspired by sculptures her partner in life and business, artist Steven Lee Smeltzer created. Currently she is working on book 3. With a desire to promote teens that are PONO, Hawaiian for "doing the right thing," she set up Dakine Teens+ at dakineteens.tumblr.com

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