Sweet Apple and Rosemary Slow Cooker Pork Leg Roast (SCD, Paleo, GAPS, Pork)

By Pureandsimplenourishment

As much as I love meat I have to say it just does not photograph as well as desserts do. It's annoying! It's one of the reasons why I don't post meat dishes as often as sweets. Sorry team. So please don't judge this recipe by its pictures. It is delicious I swear! And since it is a slow cooker dish it is also super easy. I have always loved topping pork dishes with applesauce and so this recipe is an extension of that.
I am currently enjoying a very nice "staycation" away from the hospital. I have been busy catching up on life tasks. Not the funnest way to spend a week off I have to admit but after a month of ICU it is definitely necessary. I have also been visiting with friends that I haven't been able to see in the last little while which is very nice. And of course I have been catching up on the TV shows that I have missed the last few weeks. I have about a months worth of Ellen to watch. It's beautiful. And since it has been raining all week I don't feel at all guilty about hibernating inside.
It is also my boyfriend's birthday today. He's turning 29. Yep he is officially old, which makes me feel old by extension. Some days I wish I was 16 again. Life was so much simpler back then. But then I think about being back in high school with all its drama and I realize being an adult isn't so bad.
Anyways please help me wish my other half a very happy birthday. He is the guinea pig for most of the recipes that end up on here, so without him this blog might not exist. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it!
Happy Birthday mister! Love you.
Enjoy the recipe everyone!
And if you want to be kept in the loop on what's happening on the blog please follow me on Facebook by clicking here.


1 pork leg roast (3.5-4lbs) (ideally ethically raised, soy, antibiotic and hormone free)
2 cups organic or homemade apple sauce
2 cups bone broth
1 cup water
1/2 cup white wine
2 TBSP dried rosemary
1/2 tsp garam marsala
1/4 tsp sea salt
Optional: 2-3 TBSP honey or maple syrup


1. Rinse and pat dry your pork roast
2. Place all the ingredients into your slow cooker and turn to high heat
3. Cook on high for 4-5 hours
4. Serve and enjoy!
NOTE: This recipe yields quite a bit of sauce which I love, but if you want less simply leave out the cup of water
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