Yes, yes: I know. Horses sweat, men perspire, and ladies ‘glow.’ Let’s just say that we’re not even officially in our southern hemisphere summer and I am–well–glowing rather profusely, even while sitting still.
I always felt bad for people who lived places where snow never fell, especially around the holidays. (And then, when I lived places where the snow fell WAY TOO MUCH and TOO OFTEN, I felt jealous of them.) I will say that it still feels very odd to me to reflect that, yes, it is December and, yes, we are in Advent.
(Sometimes–not every night, but a few times a week–we go around the table to say what we’re grateful for. After I’m done cooking dinner, the first thing that comes to mind is ‘fans.’ Apparently I have said, “I’m grateful for fans” enough times that my children laugh and tease me about it. But what can I say? I’m grateful for those fans. I’d probably be even more grateful for some carbon-spewing air conditioning, but let’s not go there.)
Anyway, all that to say that it doesn’t feel December-ish right about now. And that’s oddly disorienting. One of my favorite things about living in Germany, strange to say, was the distinct sense of FOUR different seasons, each with its own lovely qualities of light, color, smell, and sound.
I can’t do much about most of that, but for me, for now, listening to some holiday music is more important than usual. Here are three of my favorites. What are some of yours?
(Download “Children, Go Where I Send Thee” for FREE here.)