Sweater Series: Teddy Zipper from prAna

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

 Sweater Series: Sixth Installment

My life and experiences in the U.S. would have been very different had I not started blogging. It introduced me to many new ideas, people and the brands which continues to be one of my favorite things about this hobby. Else I am someone who would have continued living in her own bubble. While blogging world continues to be random and messy, it can also be extremely rewarding. No matter the final outcome, I will always be glad I stumbled into this online world.

One of the brands that I have got to know about through a past collaboration is prAna. The few pieces I have from them are some of my favorites and even after several seasons and wears they have stood the test of time and quality. The teddy sweater (previously see on the blog here) with a hoodie and a zipper is one of the softest and warmest pieces in my closet. The lining is as comfortable as the outside. With quality purchases like these is how I have been building my wardrobe for the past decade.

P.S. How can a garment be cheaper than a sandwich? (via New York Times)