Step 1: Cut strips of muslin 5" long by 1.5" wide.
Step 2: Start painting stripes of watercolors. If you want the colors to bleed more, just add more water using your paint brush.
Step 3: Once the fabric has dried, start pleating, each pleat, or accordion fold, being about 1/4".
Step 4: Hold the fabric together and sew through the top.
Step 5: Pull the thread so the fabric fans out and makes a half circle, tie the thread off.
Step 6: Take your felt and cut a rectangle 3" long and 1/4" wide. Glue ribbon on to felt and once that's set for a little bit, add more glue and place the flag banner on.
Step 7: Press the fabric to the felt and ribbon to make sure the glue takes hold. Let the glue dry and you've got yourself a necklace.
crafting by Kelly Curtis