This story is a little bizarre to me, mostly because of what is not being said. For a little background, in 1998, Susan Sarandon and Julia Roberts made the movie Stepmom, in which Julia played a woman married to Susan’s ex-husband, played by Ed Harris *moment of gratuitous sighing to express Ed Harris devotion*. Without getting too involved in retelling the story, the two ladies were not besties for most of the film. Outside of the actual movie, there were stories for years that Susan and Julia did not get along. They were both quoted in Entertainment Weekly at the time calling it ridiculous to presume that two lead actress can’t get along. Julia famously said, “Actually, Susan and I were kinda hoping that people would say we were f—ing. Now that’s delicious cocktail-party fodder. But this? Boring.”
Cut to modern day when Susan is appearing in Ryan Murphy’s Feud, where she plays Bette Davis feuding with Jessica Lange’s Joan Crawford on the set of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?. On Sunday, Susan was live tweeting during the show and she posted this:
The #1 question I get in interviews is whether Jessica & I get along. Jess & I not only got along great during filming, we’re now dating
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) April 3, 2017
…I mean, staying in touch. She’s one of the reasons I agreed to do the series. Working with brilliant actors only makes you better. #FeudFX
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) April 3, 2017
I don’t think this is shocking – the fact that women are often reduced to petty, jealous harridans or the fact that Susan ripped off Julia’s punchline. Still, people are grossly fascinated by the idea of women fighting so I don’t ever mind someone talking about it. A few tweets later, Susan dropped this bombshell:
Press printed that Julia & I hated each other during Stepmom. Found out it was my PR person creating rumors. #FeudFX
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) April 3, 2017
I feel like there is much more that can be said here. I get they were on the topic of how these feud rumors are perpetuated, but can we assume this is her “former” PR person or does she still employ this person? And when did she find this out? Has she been sitting on this information? Or did she, completely coincidentally, learn of this scandalous bit of gossip when her show about the same topic was broadcasting?
I suppose I could be fair and say that perhaps Susan did know this information for a while but didn’t think anyone would be interested in it and remembered it during the topic’s discussion Sunday. I could do that but I don’t wants to give her too much credit.
I believe that Susan and Julia didn’t fight because if they did they would likely admit it. Those two aren’t exactly people-pleasing, shrinking violets. It is sad, though, that Susan’s PR went (presumably) behind her back to generate press for her movie by feeding into this stagnant stereotype of women not able to peacefully co-exist. The story is making the rounds so I’m sure Susan will elaborate further on it. I imagine these days she would like to talk about anything other than her opinions about the last election.
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