Survivor, Modern Family, Nashville and More

Posted on the 21 November 2013 by Kristy47 @watchingwaytoomuch

The answer to Wednesday's Trivia Question: Patton Oswalt is a grown up Adam narrating the show The Goldbergs FIRST FIVES: Mike O'Dea, Monica Caraffa, Thomas Burr, Neil Moffatt & Karen Feldman

Honorable Mention: James Lundy

Tuesdays Broadcast Top 5 

The Voice-NBC 3.2/11.6
NCIS-CBS 3.0/19.6
David Blaine-ABC 2.6/7.8
NCIS LA-CBS 2.5/14.9
S.H.I.E.L.D-ABC 2.4/6.8 Tuesday's Broadcast Trendrr Top 5
The Voice-NBC 270,227
S.H.I.E.L.D-ABC 81,220
Supernatural-CW 80,532
New Girl-FOX 55,340
Chicago Fire-NBC 50,686 Tuesday's Cable Top 5
Sons of Anarchy-FX -2.2/4.1
Big Bang Theory-TBS 1.2/2.7
Tosh.O-Comedy Central 1.0/1.6
Moonshiners-Discovery .8/2.1
American Dad-Adult Swim .8/1.8 Tuesday's Cable Trendrr Top 5
Sons of Anarchy-FX 119,706
The Bad Girls Club-Oxygen 67,547
Ravenswood-ABC Family 66,664
Awkward-MTV 31,583
Piers Morgan Live-CNN 25,073
Tuesday's Nielsen Top 5 Twitter Ratings
The Voice-NBC 778,400 Tweets
Sons of Anarchy-FX 88,900 Tweets
Awkward-MTV 78,300 Tweets
David Blaine-ABC 72,700 Tweets
Ravenswood-ABC Family 44,200 Tweets


Tina, Aras and Vytas were up competing in the first duel since the merge. Vytas and Tina stayed alive and Aras was sent packing.  The competitive brothers need to graduate from Probst therapy, go home and if hugging it out doesn't help, maybe Jeff can recommend a family therapist for the boys. Tina and Vytas gave Katie the clue for the hidden immunity idol only one problem...Tyson already has it.  Gotta give Ciera credit, she completely understood that she may have to vote out her own Mom in order to win the game. Not just that, but she told her Mom the scoop to her face. Takes some major balls to do that, doesn't it? It's also great game play.  How could the jury NOT award her points for voting out her own Mom?  Nobody's ever had to do THAT before.  Katie and Laura got up at the crack of dawn to look for the idol. I felt so bad for them exerting so much energy looking for the idol knowing they wouldn't find it. Monica, her arms and her super white chompers won reward and immunity. Great move...she gave up her food reward  and let the entire team eat.  When the team got back to camp they had a visitor...snake in the house. Nobody seemed to care too much. Tribal was exactly what we figured.  Laura voted out by the tribe...including her daughter. In a book we'd call that foreshadowing. Is it the same thing in a TV show? Maybe. (Can you tell I'm reliving 7th grade Language Arts?) Laura's second ousting of the game, lets see if she can get back in...AGAIN! 
It was one thing when I was noticing how pearly white Monica's teeth were last week, but did you see Hayden, Tyson and Caleb hanging out in the water? The camera was super close and they all looked like they went in on a Groupon for a teeth whitening treatment. I mean seriously! Their teeth are whiter than a fresh snowfall.  Where's the Survivor GRIT? 

Modern Family

Did you happen to catch who directed last nights episode? 5 points if you did.

Jay and Claire were at the closet convention, so lots of closet and hanger jokes, lots of convention hi-jinx and a few secrets revealed. 2 big ones. Years ago, Jay tried to get rid of Phil by getting a convention buddy to offer him a job out of state and Claire called immigration on Gloria before Jay married her. While Jay's away, everyone in his house will the closet filled with collectibles. Of course the second Phil went into the closet I knew something was getting destroyed and once again, I'm right on the money. Jay's 40 year old Apollo 13 replica got all smashed up and it took an Apollo 13 type mission to reassemble it. While the mission to reassemble was underway, Alex and Hailey were arguing about Alex's crush on Chuck the pizza guy and somehow got their hair stuck in one of Jay's model plane propellers. Gloria let them fight and makeup before she cut them out. Cam and Mitch were in on the farm in Missouri with Cam's Mom. They had to hide their relationship from Cam's Grandmother until he finally came clean. She was cool with it, even agreed to attend the wedding. Not the greatest episode of all time.


So is pigs blood available in Nashville at the local Piggly Wiggly? We knew the fake miscarriage would have to happen sooner or later and with that super bore Teddy wanting to go to the next doctors appointment, last night was fake miscarriage night. Gotta give Peggy credit, I would have never thought of pigs blood, but I've never had to fake a miscarriage either. Olivia Wentworth wanted Juliette for a threesome. Interesting but seems like it was a fake threesome that Charlie wasn't into, he wanted Juliette all to himself. Is it me or is Juliette now falling for Avery who's still into Scarlet, who might end up back with him or into Gunnar's bed on the bus? Ya never know. Everyone loves Scarlett, except Luke Wheeler fans apparently, they throw things at her instead. I've heard that writing a song can happen in minutes, apparently it's a lot easier than we all think. Gunnar and Scarlett wrote one, Luke took the credit and then he, Rayna and the band perfected it and performed it all in under 24 hours. Pretty impressive huh?


-I've never seen one episode of The Bachelor, so no idea at all if Juan Pablo Galavis really is a fan favorite or not. According to what I've read, the fans have spoken and Juan Pabs will be the new Bachelor this season. Bachelor fans...let me know you all happy with this news or not?  The show premieres on January 6th 2014. I won't be watching. 

-HGTV gave the word for more episodes of Cousins Undercover. I always see this one on  the ratings charts. I'm not a big HGTV person, no clue what makes this one so different than all the rest. The cousins makeover peoples homes, I get that. Are they hot? Do they do it shirtless? I guess I should DVR it and do my job here huh?  

-Hulu renewed it's mascot show, Behind the Mask for a 2nd season. I like this one. I've only seen the first episode. I actually think I wrote about it here, but just in case you forgot and might be looking for something to watch in the wee hours of the morning, check it out. It takes you behind the scenes and into the real lives of kids and adults that are team mascots. You'll be surprised by this one. 

-Silver Fox fans, and I know there are many of you, good news, Anderson Cooper's sticking around on  CNN through 2016. He tried the talk show thing, didn't pan out, so he's smart stick with what he's good at. Congrats AC!

-In answer to my question, WAS THAT A BRA OR A BIKINI TOP that Olivia Wilde was wearing on the David Blaine special Tuesday night? Olivia herself felt the need to answer on her Twitter feed. Thanks to Ali Accarino who follows her on Twitter for sharing her response. To be honest, I don't really believe her response, but here it is anyway:

-Favorite commercial of the day: This one from Footlocker, check it out: Thursday's Trivia Question: It was DRIVING ME CRAZY last night. I was thinking about the one home improvement-ish show I watched on TLC years ago. Two families swapped houses and redecorated each others rooms. For the life of me I couldn't remember the name. I had to look it up, I'll be honest. the show and for 10 points NO CHEATING, name the host! 

WWTM-Kristy Like me on Facebook at Watching Way Too Much
Follow me on Twitter at watchingwaytoomuch@tvnme