Surviving January

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

Alphabet Spotty Mug (Bombay Duck) Giraffe Pjs (in the sale at Boux Avenue).

I’m not a huge fan of January. For me January involves spending most mornings in the gym and trying to resist all of the nice food and calorific cocktails. BORING! However, it’s not all doom and gloom. There are many ways to make January a little less painful. Here’s how I’m planning to survive it.

*Gray sheepskin gloves (here) & black cashmere scarf (here).

1) Being Cozy

Working from home means that I don’t have to brave the cold weather each morning but when I do venture out, I make sure I’m equipped. I love getting wrapped up so when the lovely team at Morlands sent me a pair of toasty sheepskin gloves and a cashmere scarf I was overjoyed. My gorgeous new snow boots are also making me very happy despite the cold.

Keeping Busy

So it turns out that everything I like doing involves calories so this January, I’ve taken up a little hobby to keep my hands from roaming towards the fridge. I bought a calligraphy set and I’m going to learn how to make pretty things with it. Head over to my Instagram to stay updated with my progress. I’ve also signed up to my local sailing club but that’s an entirely different story in itself.

Making Mocktails

January is all about the mocktail. If you are taking part in dry January, a few soft drinks will help to spice up your month. I may have had a couple of naughty drinks this month (the Pornstar Martini is my biggest weakness) but overall I’ve been quite good. Something sweet after dinner like these all natural sparkling juices have stopped me reaching for the cake tin. The Raspberry lemonade from Heartsease Farm is delicious!

Being Productive

There’s not much going on in January so it’s the perfect time to pay my blog a little attention. New business cards will be designed and ordered, social channels polished and content created. Last week I attended a photography workshop and I can’t wait to share the tips I picked up with you. There’s also the small matter of building my freelance writing website. *hides under duvet*

New things: *The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Body Sorbet (here) & Eau De Toilette (here).


You may have read part one of my bridal beauty series but this month there is a lot of pampering on the agenda. I got a Clarisonic for Christmas so I’ll be trying it out and along with various new serums, body sorbets and firming lotions.

How do you plan to survive January?

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