Survival After Revival-Confessions of an Ex Bootcamper

By Remielund @remsluxuryblog

Like my fellow bootcampers, I breathed a sigh of relief as I left Revival Bootcamp after my short stint there in March. I’d done my time and was free to graze on chocolate as I wished, I could set my alarm for a time later than 5.30 and I could take or leave my workouts. Delightful. As I settled back in to my old routine, albeit in slightly smaller jeans, I experienced what can only be described as the same freedom I imagine a prisoner feels as they are set free into the big wide world.

However, after a few days I started to experience surviver’s guilt. It’s 8.30 AM! I should be on my second military circuit of the day not leisurely dipping a digestive in my tea. Every moment sat down now felt like an hour and I’d contemplate doing a quick 10K in the car park at lunch time to compensate. This time last week I was completing a 21 mile walk, a huge achievement on any scale and this week my biggest achievement was not giving in and eating that third twix.

In typical ex con manner, I found myself re-offending, in my case, chain eating caramel slices at my desk saying, well I’M GOING TO HAVE TO GO BACK NOW!! AREN’T I??? (to no one in particular). *Cue Psycho esque soundtrack here*

Since my return from Revival Bootcamp I’ve consumed approx one million sweet treats and flittingly wondered if attaching myself via a chocolate drip in my local Pret would be simpler than heading back and forth to the corner shop. I’ve called Dominoes, ordered and changed my order from large pizza and fries to salad and back to pizza so many times, I’m blacklisted. The smallest of food related decisions now seem impossibly hard.

Now, I’ve scoured the Revival website, but I’m yet to find a Revival Rehab section for ex bootcampers that are suffering from the the most severe of withdrawals. Could I perhaps suggest a rehab centre, maybe on site so we have the option to join in a few sessions? I mean under no circumstances come back to bootcamp, nooooo, merely be situated close enough to pop in and have a catch up with Jan? I couldn’t possibly stay long but I have missed Susan’s cooking and Marty’s motivational chats.

Now for some ex inmates, ahem I mean bootcampers, going back to reality is easy and I envy your willpower to opt for the salad. I wish I posessed just one ounce of it. Now I think I’ll just have a cup of tea. That cures all manor of problems doesn’t it? Now where is that third twix? I’m not suggesting you drink tea through your twix but I was a huge fan of the Twix straw at Uni. Just Saying…

Are you an ex bootcamper? Do you need Rehab? Is this you?

  • You befriend anyone with a Military build
  • You listen to the song Roxanne on repeat
  • You try to turn every office team building session into an excuse to work out
  • You wake yourself up in the night screaming ABS LIKE SLABS

Leave a comment below and let’s go back to bootcamp!  x
