Surveyor IPA – Coast Mountain Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From the new brewery on the block in Whistler BC Coast Mountain Brewing comes their "Surveyor IPA". The beer is named in honor of Kevin Winter's father that is a retired Surveyor. The beer pours a deep orange to copper colour with an off white head. The aroma consists of tropical fruits, goose berries, malts, pine, dank hops and a floral finish. The flavour is of pine, resin, melon and tropical fruits although not strong with hops bitterness, earth and some dankness in the finish. The alcohol content comes in at 7%. In a market where IPA's seem to be loosing their prominence this beer stands out. Hopefully the IPA can become the dominant force again!

This entry was posted in India Pale Ale and tagged bc, bitter, bitterness, canada, coast mountain brewing, craft beer, dank, dankness, earth, hopped, hops, hops bitterness., india pale ale, IPA, melon, pine, resin, surveyor india pale ale, surveyor ipa, tropical fruit, tropical fruits, Whistler.