GR.–The Australian public is well informed about the danger of climate change. Politicians are avoiding the issue just as most are in the U. S. One of the reasons for U. S. presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ popularity is his acknowledged concern for climate change.
Deborah Cotton.–“. . . not long after Julia Gillard was returned to power in the 2010 federal election, I asked a representative sample of Australians about their attitudes to climate policy.
“Climate was a water-cooler issue at the time. The carbon tax legislation had been introduced into Parliament in March, paving the way for a subsequent emissions trading scheme.
“That scheme bit the dust in 2014 after becoming a hotly debated issue during the rancorous 2013 election campaign, but carbon policy has not had the same high profile during the current campaign. My colleagues and I decided to repeat our survey and see whether attitudes really have cooled on global warming.
“Despite climate policy being something of a sleeper issue in this election, our results suggest that concern about the climate is more widespread now than it was five years ago.
“We found that 75% of people surveyed believe it to be an important global issue, and 74% see climate as an important issue for Australia.” Continue reading: Survey: more Australians want climate action now than before the carbon tax