Surprising No One But Me

By Daisyjd

A few months ago my skin started really flipping out. It went from its usual combination self to break out city and despite a variety of half hearted attempts at dealing with it, nothing really helped. So I ordered replacement Clarisonic brush heads for my Clarisonic that has been languishing in my bathroom drawer. I didn’t order new brush heads becuase I was feeling frugal and then I realized I was spending just as much if not more on new face washes to combat the problem. Genius, no? Anyway, I ordered generic ones (from Asia, probably soaked in avian flu before shipping) which gave me six new brush heads for $7 rather than one for $25. Guess what? Can’t tell the difference in the generic versus name brand, and SURPRISE, my face is looking much better.

As I’ve mentioned I’m trying out a ClassPass membership on them for one month, which means I’ve been booking and trying a variety of different of classes. I’ve been loosely trying to go every other between cardio (spinning!) and Pure Barre/yoga, which seems to be working. And lets go ahead and act surprised when I say: oh man, I feel so good after class. I’m sore and often have to modify things since I’m still working on getting into shape but it feels fantastic to sweat and have an hour to really just be answering to myself, without work emails or housework or toddler wrangling. I don’t mean that to disparage the day to day in anyway- I wouldn’t trade it for anything- but that hour of solitude and good music and focusing on my muscles and my heart rate really helps to clear my mind, shake off the day, and I definitely return home in a better mood. Surprise! Next up on my workout clothes list? A pair of “Beyond Yoga” leggings which come highly recommended and in a plethora of colors.

The Target Dollar Spot, something I long skipped over unless I needed something for party planning was never much of a draw until I had Gracie. Now I’ve been regularly scooping up items that are stashed in her closet for plane flights to/from Utah for the holidays and for her stocking. So far I’ve spent a grand total of $8 give or take (thanks Cartwheel coupon!) and I have a big stack of flashcards, Sesame Street books and a pair of Elmo socks. SURPRISE, her stocking is almost done!

I’ve been really intrigued by Whole30, the diet/lifestyle/fad in which you stick to whole foods only. The rules seem incredibly insane/onerous, but the food that I see people eating looks really good. I like the idea- really, truly cutting out refined foods and sticking to “whole” items but…… then I read their diatribe on “pancakes” and how even pancakes made in with “acceptable” ingredients are not in the “spirit” of the Whole30 and I was instantly turned off. Surprise, a diet fad has annoying rules and makes people following it sound like lunatics. I’m still reading about it and considering putting B and I on the Whole30 train, although his initial response to it was…less than lukewarm. There might have been swear words. Surprise!

(Amazon links affiliate, FYI)