Surprising Causes of Headaches and How to Stop Them

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Did you know that it isn’t just stress and colds that can cause headaches? Sometimes little things, like cleaning your home or even sleeping in, can cause them too. If you want to help yourself then here are the top surprising causes of headaches.


Do you find that headaches strike you more on the weekend? Especially on a Saturday morning? If this is the case, then there is a very good reason. As you relax, the tension from the week subsides, and your stress hormones start to drop. This can cause a release of neurotransmitters, which sends out impulses to the blood vessels in the brain. When this happens, the vessels constrict and dilate. This can cause serious headaches, and it may cause you to suffer all weekend as a result. If you want to stop this, then try to avoid the temptation of sleeping in on the weekend. Instead, go for a yoga class or a walk.