Surprise Your Man (or Significant Other) With A Fabulous Birthday Party

By Lollicious @lollicious

If your man's or significant others birthday is coming up, and it's a big one - maybe he's reached the big 3-0, you might be thinking about how to celebrate. If you are considering throwing him a surprise party, you might be a little concerned about how to go about it, am I right?

However, there is no need to be. Yes, organising any party can be hard work, but it'll be worth the effort. Trust me on this, any man who's turning 30, would love his partner to show him she cares by throwing him a surprise party .

To help you ensure that your man's surprise party is a success, I thought I would share my top party planning tips with you, below:

The first thing that you need to do is set yourself a budget so that you don't end up overspending. Yes, you want to show your partner how much you care about him, but you don't want to break the bank in the process.

That's why setting a budget is important, as it will allow you to organise him a fantastic party, without overspending. Think about how much you can afford to spend, and go with that. Even if you only have a small budget, you can still throw your man an amazing party , so don't worry about the amount you can afford to spend.

Choose a venue before setting a date

Before you set a date for his surprise party - you will probably want to hold it on a weekend, choose a venue. It's best to choose a venue before setting a date, as that way you will have a wider selection of party venues to choose from.

If you set a date before choosing a venue, you will be limited for choice when it comes to where you can hold the party. This could mean having to spend more than your budget on a venue that's over priced. That's why it is best to choose the venue before setting a date for the celebration.

Tell people it's a surprise party

If you want people to keep the party a secret, make sure that you tell them it's a surprise. Don't make the mistake of sending out invites without mentioning that it's a surprise party - even if you have already told people this.

Make sure that the invitations clearly state that the party is a surprise and that your husband must not find out. Ask people not to display their invites, just in case your husband pops over to their house and sees them.

Choose the entertainment carefully

Think about the type of entertainment that your partner likes, does he enjoy dancing or would he rather do something else. Yes, every party needs music, so hiring a DJ is a must, but it's also important to think about what your partner likes.

For instance, if your partner enjoys playing pool, you could hire a couple of pool tables, as well as a couple of foosball tables. Music is a must, but that doesn't mean that there can't be other forms of entertainment as well. It's a party for your husband, so it's important that there are things he likes to do, as well as dancing.

Don't forget about the food

There is nothing worse than being hungry at a party, so having food is a must. This can be a selection of crisps, dips, nuts and other light snacks, or it could be a little more filling. The type of food that you do is up to you, just make sure to do food that your partner likes .

For example, if you partner is a cheese lover, why not do cheese and biscuits? Instead of doing just regular cheeses, why not do various cheeses from across the world?

Planning a surprise party isn't always easy, it can be incredibly stressful. However, if you follow the tips in this guide, you can plan your partner the perfect surprise party.