Surprise! How to Plan A Romantic Trip

By Masfashion

I am an avid reader of Conde Nast Traveler. They always have amazing articles and are spot-on when it comes to recommendations. And, their content is so beautiful it is hard to not get inspired for your next trip. While flying home from L.A. a few weeks ago I decided to re-read my Traveler that I had read on the way there. In between learning french, taking a nap, and looking out the window I must have missed the article on Romantic Getaways. However, I didn’t miss it the second time around. Basically they polled a handful of well-known travelers on their favorite romantic trips. The editors were surprised when they learned that it wasn’t about “where” but more about “how.” Just about every couple interviewed said their favorite trip was the one they didn’t have to plan. In fact, it was a complete surprise. The reason this was their go-to, most romantic trip they have taken – the pressures of planning are out the window. Think about it, when you plan a trip you are wondering: did I get the best deal? should I book another hotel? are we staying within budget? There are so many questions flying in your head you forget that you are going on a V.A.C.A.T.I.O.N. With a surprise trip you are more focused on keeping it a secret than the actual details.

Since surprises are my speciality I figured I would put my own spin on this article and share my tips (and a few from them) on making this romantic “surprise” a success!

1. Figure out the vacation you want to take: This was a really good quote that I thought I would share from MSNBC host JJ Ramberg – “The key is to plan the trip you want to take, not the one you think your spouse wants to take. Scott loves surfing, but he’d put together a much better surf trip than I would.” If you’ll love it, assume your partner will too. Just keep an open mind! The key to the “romance” part of the trip is to experience something new together. Wether it is South Dakota or Ireland, find a place you both haven’t been. Experiencing something for the first time together helps you bond and make lasting memories.

2. Do not over plan: This part is excellent for me as I am not a planner but for my husband, who grew up with a mom who is amazing at organization, it drives him crazy. However, on a romantic surprise weekend try to have days where you can just get lost together (be it in the city or the sheets). Sometimes the best things to do to keep the trip fun is to do something you don’t normally do at home – have a glass of rose at lunch, go on a hike, do a couples massage. Over planning can kill the magic that will happen on a trip if you just let it. Also, if the person who is planning the trip has to organize every activity and meal the pressure is really on and that can take away from the relaxing and spontaneousness of the trip.

3. Have one place you splurge: Is your bliss a great hotel or nice meals every night? Have one area you really want to wow her/him. For me, I love a great hotel  but I love delicious meals and great wine even more and I know the hubs is the same way. Knowing this I would probably spend my money on great food. However, don’t forget that you two will be spending more time in the hotel than a normal trip so keep in mind where you stay should have a romance quality. Maybe book the medium priced hotel but get the ocean view.

4. Figure out their routine: If you don’t want to tell the person where you are going until the airport you are going to need to pack a bag for them. For the weeks leading up to the trip try to study their morning and nightly routine. This will help you to not forget any necessity they might need. If all else fails have one of their friends tell you what they think they will need. This is a really tricky element and one I think you should let the person do, but if you are the ultimate surpriser be very sure to grab everything they need (and more). You don’t want to add to their stress of not having the right pieces.

5. Have a cleaver way of revealing: Now that all the prep work is done start the trip off right by surprising them in a clever way. Maybe wait until their boarding pass tells them where they are going or the one I read that I liked (by Ashlea Halpern) was to print a fake gift card (for a birthday, anniversary, holiday), but have the fine print say it is only redeemable in a specific store in a specific city. The sky is the limit on how you tell them but the one thing that is certain – you are going to have a great time. Just take deep breathes and enjoy every second. Oh, and having a bottle of champagne in the car on the way to the airport never hurts! Bon Voyage!

image via smp