Supreme Court Refuses To Fast-Track Trump's Appeals

Posted on the 12 January 2021 by Jobsanger
Donald Trump is the biggest sore loser in presidential election history. He and his supporters have filed more than 60 lawsuits to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

He won only one case -- and it didn't change a single vote. It only allowed GOP election watchers to stand closer to those counting the votes.

Only one of those cases made it to the Supreme Court -- Rep. Gohmert's case demanding the election results in four other states be overturned. The Supreme Court dismissed that case without even hearing any arguments. They refused to hear the appeals from other cases.

But Trump is nothing if not obstinate. He has filed a new batch of cases, which have been rejected in lower courts. Now he is trying to appeal these to the Supreme Court, and he has asked the Court to "fast-track" those appeals.

On Monday, the Supreme Court (without comment or dissent) refused to fast-track any of those appeals.

That means they will not hear any of the cases before Joe Biden is inaugurated on January 20th. After that date it is likely the cases will be moot, as the Court is unlikely to hear them at all. This Court has made it clear they are not going to interfere in the presidential election.