Supreme Court Justice Says It’s Unjust to Call ILLEGAL Aliens “criminals”

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Definition of “criminal”:

A person who has committed a crime.

Definition of “crime”:

An unlawful or illegal act.

It is a crime to unlawfully enter and reside in the United States of America, that is, to enter without the U.S. government’s permission, granted via a visa, a permanent residence (or “green”) card, or a U.S. citizenship certificate (or certificate of naturalization).

So, unless you have one of the following, you’re in the United States illegally, which means you’ve committed a crime, which means you’re a criminal:

The Supreme Court is the United States’ highest judicial tribunal, America’s highest court.

A court is a tribunal that adjudicates disputes and administers JUSTICE.

A Supreme Court justice is one of an elite group of nine unelected individuals who sit on the Supreme Court — for life — which means a Supreme Court justice determines and administers JUSTICE.

Supreme Court nonJustice Sonia Sotomayor

And yet, as reported by the AP (via CBS-DC), Feb. 4, 2014, at a talk at Yale University Law School, Obama appointee Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor was asked about her use of the term “undocumented immigrants” instead of the term “illegal alien.”

Sotomayor said labeling these “immigrants” as criminals seemed insulting to her: “I think people then paint those individuals as something less than worthy human beings and it changes the conversation.”

No, Ms. Sotomayor, labeling those who are in the United States unlawfully as “illegal aliens” is simply dictionary correct.

However, labeling you a Supreme Court justice most certainly is a travesty.
