Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study...

Posted on the 14 October 2019 by Iosonoqui @FLBot1

Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices

This is a short preview of the article:
Abstract of Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices Web 2.0 communities emerge regularly with the growing need for domain-specific programming over Web APIs. Even though Web mashups provide access to Web APIs, they ignore domain-specific programming

If you like it consider checking out the full version of the post at: Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices

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  • Hashtags: #CloudComputing, #DomainSpecificLanguages, #InternetOfThings, #Plugin, #PluginArchitecture, #SmartDevice, #UbiquitousComputing, #Web20, #Web20Communities, #WebServices
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Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices is available at the following link:
You will find more information, stories, examples, data, opinions and scientific papers as part of a collection of articles about Information Management, Computer Science, Economics, Finance and More.

The title of the full article is: Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices

It belong to the following categories: Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Publication

The most relevant keywords are: Cloud Computing, domain specific languages, internet of things, plugin, plugin architecture, smart device, ubiquitous computing, Web 2.0, Web 2.0 communities, Web Services

It has been published by Francesco Lelli at Francesco Lelli a blog about Information Management, Computer Science, Finance, Economics and nearby ideas and opinions

Abstract of Supporting Domain-Specific Programming in Web 2.0: a Case Study of Smart Devices Web 2.0 communities emerge regularly with the growing need for domain-specific programming over Web APIs. Even though Web mashups provide access to Web APIs, they ignore domain-specific programming

Hope you will find it interesting and that it will help you in your journey

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