Support the Book Project: $105 Raised So Far! $695 More to Reach the Goal of $800

Posted on the 11 January 2012 by Andrewgavinmarshall @A_G_Marshall

- Amount Raised: $105.00

- Chapter(s) being supported: This fundraiser will be unique in that I am raising funds to support my writing of four simultaneous chapters, all of which I have already done some work on (some more than others). In an introductory chapter to the American Empire, I examined the plan set forth by the Council on Foreign Relations to establish “Grand Areas” of the world which America would control and dominate for their resources. These four chapters break the Grand Areas up into: (1) Asia, (2) Middle East and North Africa, (3) Sub-Saharan Africa, and (4) Latin America. The chapters will examine the actual strategies, plans,  implementation and effects of American imperial adventures in each region from the end of World War II until the late 1960s and early 1970s. Included will be imperial strategies set forth by the National Security Council (NSC), aims and actions of the Pentagon and the CIA, roles played by the international financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank, objectives and effects of philanthropic foundations in support of constructing educational systems for the management of the ‘Grand Areas’, the effects of decolonization and liberation movements across the ‘Third World’, covert and overt means of repressing, co-opting or destroying the liberation struggles, role of prominent think tanks in establishing imperial strategy, and the ideas and individuals involved in this imperial adventurism. The goal of $800.00 for the completion of four chapters amounts to roughly $200.00 to finish each chapter, which is a very small amount considering the time and effort required to put in to each chapter. The chapters on Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa are each roughly half finished, while the ones on Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have barely been started.

- Progress: I will update as frequently as possible the amount of the fundraising goal which has been reached, as well as progress undertaken on the chapters.

SEE: The new section on the site to support the funding of specific chapters: “COMPLETE A CHAPTER” for up-to-date information.

So please support the fundraising goal of $800.00 for the completion of four chapters on “The Grand Areas of the American Empire.”

Please support The People’s Book Project and donate today!

Thank you for your support!

