I’m asking for your help to make these meetings a success. It will only take a couple of minutes. Could you call your representative and senators on Monday, June 23rd to express your support for a carbon tax that gives the tax revenue back to households?
Just call, tell whomever is taking calls your name, city and state, and say something like this:
“I’m very concerned about global warming, and particularly the impact that it’s having here in [YOUR STATE]. Congress needs to do something about this, and I’d like to see Congressman _________ (OR CONGRESSWOMAN OR SENATOR) support legislation that puts a tax on carbon and gives money back to households.”
Or, if you like, you can simply ask them to support solutions to climate change. The key is to call.
I live in Washington State. Here is a list of Washington State congressional offices and their phone numbers:
Congressman Doc Hastings
1203 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-5816
Senator Patty Murray
154 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-2621
Senator Maria Cantwell
311 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
(202) 224-3441
If you live in another state, go here for the Senate, and here for the House to get contact information.
If we can generate a passel of calls, we’ll demonstrate that there’s support for climate solutions, and members of congress will be listening more intently to what we have to say when we meet with them Tuesday. Please share this with others through email, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever floats your social sailboat.
Please let me know in the Comments section if you did this, and what your experience was with whomever answered your call.
BTW, a June 9th study by the independent, Regional Economics Models, Inc., research organization showed that a revenue-neutral carbon tax (also called a fee and dividend) would not only significantly reduce emissions, but would create new jobs and boost the U.S. economy by up to $90 billion annually.