‘Supergirl’ Recap: ‘Of Two Minds’

Posted on the 17 May 2018 by Entertainmentjolt @Entertain_Jolt

On the episode of Supergirl, “Of Two Minds” (3×16), we finally get back in full force to the Worldkillers arc, plus we finally get to hear more about why the Legionnaires are in the past.  

This is really the first full episode since “Both Sides Now” (3×13) where we’re getting more of the Worldkillers…we actually go from two to the full three by the end of this episode.  This definitely feels like the start of the roll towards the season finale and some sort of hopeful wrap up of the arc.  

It’s nice to see that we’re still getting some equal doses of humor to go with the seriousness of the episode.  “Of Two Minds” kicks off with the start of a sickness that Imra (Amy Jackson) immediately identifies as the beginnings of Pestilence’s rise in the past (they know her as Blight in the future).  The Legionaries have the cure for the plague in their DNA, so it doesn’t seem like they’re too worried because they just have to extract it.  Imra, however, is more concerned about ending Pestilence before she can become Blight in the future (which later just seems to snowball into all kinds of problems).  The humor bit that I just found adorable was when Brainy (Jesse Rath) walks into a DEO lab and everyone (except the Legionaries) think that they have a breach because of the image inducer being used…but then Winn (Jeremy Jordan) walks in a moment later and totally recognizes him and knows what he’s wearing.

When the DEO and the Legion goes to City Hall in order to investigate the plague going around, Imra causes a panic which only further sparks the clash between her and Kara/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) and J’onn (David Harewood) is obviously not pleased either with the commotion in the field.  Thing go even more terribly wrong when Winn falls ill with the plague and we get to see James (Mehcad Brooks) come in for a visit to see a very drugged up friend who just screws with Brainy.  A bonus is definitely Alex (Chyler Leigh) getting to be in science mode, I always just absolutely love when she gets to be both a scientist and badass agent of the DEO in the same episode.  

There aren’t just problems between Imra and Kara in this episode…there’s also spillover into the relationship between Imra and Mon-El (Chris Wood), whom reminds his wife that the Legion was founded on philosophies from Supergirl and it’s clear that they’re not on the same page.  Imra is being impulsive and it’s clear to see why, she’s desperate to save her sister from Blight, which is the whole point to the mission that Mon-El never had a choice in.  Imra not being on the same page with everyone is obviously hurting the overall cohesion of not only the Legionaries, but also her working with the DEO and Supergirl. She even points out to Kara that she fails in the future and Imra tells her that if she gets the chance that she’ll make sure to end Pestilence before she becomes Blight.  

Things escalate even more when the Legion’s cure doesn’t work and Winn looks even worse than before. In order to make the cure for that time, for Pestilence instead of Blight…they have to attain a sample from her.  On top of it all, Alex passes out right there in med bay without any warning, also affected. I really feel like this Alex and Winn being sick moment is why we didn’t get anything more serious in “In Search of Lost Time” (3×15) so that there wasn’t so much whumping of the characters.  I personally love seeing my favorite characters going through this kind of thing and battling what they’re facing until they’re stronger. It’s seeing Kara at her sister’s bedside that spurs Imra into actually talking to Kara about her sister from the future who died from Blight, Preya (and it’s about time too, even if I felt like this really came too late in the episode).  Also, I think that this might be the most time James has possibly ever spent in the DEO (possibly “Schott Through the Heart” (3×14) being the second) and just makes me wonder if he’s going to give up his day job at CatCo to be full-time vigilante even if we just see him just being a good friend in this episode.

The DEO finally is able to identify the human identity of Pestilence/Grace (Angela Zhou) and Supergirl is determined to talk her down…to connect with Grace…and you see her starting to get through, but it doesn’t last.  In this moment, Mon-El has to convince Imra to stay back and let Kara try it her way. Imra is still not on board with things and is full force in doing things the way that she wants in order to end Pestilence now, but right when we think things are working…Purity/Julia (Krys Marshall) appears and not only leaves with her but makes her stronger as well.  Even though they’ve lost Pestilence and all three Worldkillers are now active, they have the sample they need.  Even though Kara is affected by the illness caused by Pestilence, they’re able to go home and make the cure…and in the end save everyone.  There’s this great moment between J’onn and Alex, which I love because it really just shows how strong they still are (their relationship has really come such a long way since season one).  It’s at this point that Imra comes clean, but it just felt like it took so long even though it makes sense here (it just seemed like there was so much foreshadowing that it would come out earlier).  

There’s also the other side of this episode where we get to understand more about the relationship between Sam/Reign (Odette Annable) and get to see what Lena (Katie McGrath) has been secretly doing for the past few episodes.  We finally get a payoff as to what Lena’s found out, which is that there’s a genome that activates when Sam becomes Reign…and while one is present the other exists in a parallel dimension.  There’s very much a fight going on between Sam and Reign and they’re actually able to speak to each other…which mainly seems to be Reign threatening Sam and even Ruby’s (Emma Tremblay) life.  Sam tells Lena that she feels like they need help and even mentions that they should bring Alex in on it, but Lena is worried about what might happen to Sam if they go to anyone else.  She’s clearly worried about a friend rather than hoarding a discovery.

At the end of the episode, the DEO tracks the Worldkillers headed to L Corp and of course Kara’s concern is for Lena’s safety.  When Kara, J’onn, Mon-El, and Imra all arrive there…Kara’s so confused to find Sam locked up.  Without having time to explain, the Worldkillers arrive and Sam is revealed as Reign to all of them…and thus the trinity of Worldkillers becomes strengthened and in full force.  One of the things that made me twitchy with this scene is when Reign says “el mayarah” (stronger together), but I feel like it’s supposed to bother you and I feel like it’s not the first time a villain on the show has used the House of El motto to Kara.  

This point forward I don’t think we’ll be having any filler type episodes and it’ll all just be building up towards the season finale.  I’m certainly looking forward to how Lena will interact with the DEO as well as her role going forward. What do you think will come with the season finale?  Do you think that the Legion will stick around? What are your thoughts on the Worldkillers? Leave your thoughts down below!

Photo Credit: The CW