
By Yonni @vegandthecity
If you follow this blog, then you have likely heard all about the raw food diet, the vegan diet's cousin.  You may drink raw fruits and vegetables in cold-pressed juices, enjoy fresh fruits and dine on farm-to-table salads.  Those who follow a raw food diet enjoy meals that consist of at least 75% raw, uncooked foods.  They believe that heating food above 116 degrees destroys certain food enzymes essential for the healthiest of lifestyles.

Baked by Butterfield carries organic Superfood from the company Vigilant Eats.  It is an oat-based cereal that is prepared with only raw ingredients, and is recommended to be eaten once mixed with cold water (with a note that some may prefer it with milk or hot water instead.)  

This cereal is organic, gluten-free, vegan and non-GMO verified.  It also comes with a handy, disposable spoon hidden under the foil top.  No soy, dairy, additives, preservatives or refined sugar are used in this approximately 300 calorie serving that is quite portable and comes in a variety of flavors.