Super Mario Bros Party!

By Littlebigcompany1 @littlebigcompny
LBC Event Styling was asked to do a Super Mario Bros party recently at a lovely client's home for a gorgeous 10 year old boy. Part of the brief is that she wanted to have the set up on her buffet and it was her son's favorite theme Mario Bros. The fun of this job is immersing yourself into different themes, it's ever changing -one week it will be an elegant wedding, another week a cocktail party,  the following week it may be Super Mario!! we have some beautiful themes coming stay tuned..
It's great from our perspective because we research everything before we plan the party and you do get to learn lots of different things, our work is diverse and now from our extensive research of Super Mario one of the benefits is we can play this game on Nintendo Wii!!

Cake by 2 Sisters CakePhotography by Casemento PhotographyPrintables by Pluff Mudd StudioPolka dot gift boxes, beverage dispensers, lollipops, lanterns, stars from Little Big Company online store